Digital Designer. Creative Director.

Virtual Art Sessions


Virtual Art Sessions


Google Data Arts Team project.

Virtual Art Sessions is a chrome experiment in virtual reality painting with Tilt Brush. The project partnered with six world-renowned artists bringing them a new way to paint, draw and sculpt. We recorded their sessions and made it accessible online, letting you observe the artists as they develop their virtual reality creations from any angle.

The project renders high volumes of data right in the browser. This includes point cloud data of the artist’s physical form, 3D geometry data of the artwork, and position data of the VR controllers. Using open source web technologies, we transformed that data into something that can be experienced by anyone using the web. No apps or plug-ins needed.

A comprehensive technical case study detailing the project's inception was also published.


My Role: UI/UX design.

Serving as the lead designer on the project team, I had the responsibility of designing the user flows, UI/UX, and creating impactful marketing materials. My role was instrumental in ensuring a seamless user experience and compelling visual presentation.

Final Design mock up.


A collection of UI design mock ups.

Mobile design mock ups.

A collection of desktop design mock ups.

Desktop design mock ups.

Debug GUI Screenshot: This interface was used to adjust variables on-the-fly during the development, enabling us to find the most optimal parameters for the user experience.



Furthermore, by collaborating the event team, we extended the project into a physical installation, featuring a large interactive touch screen. This installation was showcased at diverse Google related events, including Google Zeitgeist and Google I/O 2016. I had the privilege of explaining the project to the renowned author Shaka Senghor.